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Uiteraard gecondoleerd. Jammer is wel dat toen Percy James Slengard overleed zijn halve broers en zussen geen woord ter condoleance hebben vermeld op zijn overlijdens announce. Triest.
Alphen aan den Rijn/Holland 13 november 2012
Dear children in mourning, I will remember Norine as a nice and beautiful cousin with her bright smile. May she rest in peace. Love you.
Roland Slengard (one of the sons of Uncle James, brother of your grandfather Frits)
Alphen aan den Rijn/Holland 13 november 2012
Dear children in mourning, I will remember Norine as a nice and beautiful cousin with her bright smile. May she rest in peace.
Roland Slengard (one of the sons of Uncle James, brother of your grandfather Frits)
Alphen aan den Rijn/Holland 13 november 2012
Dear children in mourning, I wil remember as a nice and beautiful cousin with her bright smile. May she rest in peace.
Roland Slengard (one of the sons of Uncle James, brother of your grandfather Frits)
Dear family,
We heard of the death of your beloved mom, grandma , and
wish you all strength in these sad days.
Nieces from Amsterdam
Ethel and Titia Landburg
(daughters from the late uncle Stanley)
Dear Jimmy,Lloyd and Angela,
My deepest symphaties for you and your family!
I am sorry for your lost!
Your mother was really a nice,kind,carring,wonderful,beautiful,strong,funny woman!
She always made herself useful to encourage people to be the best they can,to keep fighting and work hard at school and at work,so they can become someone good in the society.Don't give up on your dreams,don't give up without a fight,she said! She worked hard her whole life and also liked to have fun! A always possitive woman,mother,grandmother,sister,aunty,sister in-law,friend etc.
I know that you all will miss her,but she'll lives in your heart and in your dreams!
The good God will keep her save,he is the Most High!!
I love you my cousins!!I am gonna miss my sister too!!
Hugs and kisses!! your aunty Mireille and family!!XXX
Amsterdam, 12 november 2012
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