Suriname 14 juni 2019
When A mother dies, we lose a piece of who we are.
We lose the person whose story provides the beginning of our own
On behalf of all her children, grandchildren and great grand children we sadly announces that our beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother
Carmen Jeanne Jules
Better known as Tante Carmen or Mamen
Pasted away on June 13th 2019 in Cayenne / French Guyana
Born July 12th 1925
Mum was 93 years old
The funeral cervices will be taken place in Cayenne French Guyana on Friday 21th of june
Wednesday june 19th there will be time to condolences the family in Suriname at the Bonifacius kerk J.A.Pengel straat
Time 19.00 till 21.00 hour
On behalf of all her children:
George and family in Spain and Netherland
Wonny and family in the Netherland
Alma Plein- Thomas and family in Suriname and Netherland
EllyThomas in Suriname
Phile ‘t Zand- Thomas and family in the Netherland
Nesta Thomas and family in the Netherland
Terrel Thomas and family In Cayenne / French Guyana/ France
Kensley Thomas and family in Suriname
Sulivan Thomas and family in the Netherland
Carmen Jeanne Jules
geboren St.Laurant Du Maroni 12-7-1925 overleden Cayenne/ Frans Guyana 13-6-2019
Rooms Katholieke begraafplaats Cayenne
Cayenne Frans Guyana
Namens de nabestaanden:
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