Den Haag 12 juli 2015
Our beloved father, grandfather, greatgrandfather and uncle
Edward Alwin Elias
passed away at the age of 96
Sunrise: 17-02-1919 Paramaribo Surinam - Sunset: 9-07-2015 3:45 pm Boston USA
“through discipline and hard work, goals can be achieved”
We all send you the love that’s in our hearts and wish you well on your final journey. Through ups and downs, highs an lows we all were able to count on your help, support and motivation. It’s been a pleasure to have known you and while time passes, the memories off you being here will be shared among us as long as we remain.
And like you lately have mentioned: "We’ll meet again, back home . . . ."
Love allways your,
Children : Yvon, Helen, Shirley, Dorien, Mike & Ot
Grandchildren : Diana, Marion, Brian, Pamela, Edo, Patrick, Gino, Fernando & Yea
Great grandchildren : Brandy, Jada, Joël, Raphaël, Paris, Venice, Samantha, Timothy, Jazz, Aiden & Dakaya
Special Thanks to
Eddy´s family and friends in Surinam, The Netherlands and the United States of America and especially for the care that Elena Cavallo provided over the years and Eddy’s final moments.
Edward Alwin Elias
geboren Paramaribo Suriname 17-2-1919 overleden Boston USA 9-7-2015
Eddy zal worden gecremeerd in zijn woonplaats Boston USA. De bestemming van de urn/as moet nog worden bepaald.
Namens de nabestaanden:
Familie Elias
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